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Basic Searching Tools

Why ES Stonks

  • Ability to make sense out of chaos - turning big data into big information

  • Every field is indexed and can be queried

  • Every index can be used, to return results very kuai

  • Search:

    • Strutured query on concrete fields
    • Full-text query
      • Find all documents matching search keywords
      • Result sorted by relevance
    • Combination of the two
  • To use ES to full potential, need to understand three subjects:

    • Mapping
    • Analysis
    • Query DSL
  • Doesn't specify any query
  • Returns all doucments in all indices in the cluster
"hits" : {
"total" : 14,
"hits" : [
"_index": "us",
"_type": "tweet",
"_id": "7",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"date": "2014-09-17",
"name": "John Smith",
"tweet": "The Query DSL is really powerful and flexible",
"user_id": 2
"max_score" : 1
"took" : 4,
"_shards" : {
"failed" : 0,
"successful" : 10,
"total" : 10
"timed_out" : false
hitsTotal number of documents matching our query, and array of the first 10 documents
max_scorehighest _score of any document
tookTime for search request to execute
shardsTotal number of shards involved (how many succeeded / failed)
timeoutWhether search request timed out

timeout of request does not halt execution of query, merely tells coordinating node to return results collected so far and return the result

Use this for SLA (not for aborting execution)

Multi-index, Multitype

/_searchAll types in all indices
/gb/_searchAll types in gb index
/gb,us/_searchAll types in gb and us indices
g*,u*/_searchAll types in any indices beginning with g or u
/gb/user/_searchSearch type user in gb index
/gb,us/user,tweet/_searchSearch type user and tweet in gb and us indices
/_all/user,tweet/_searchSearch type user and tweet in all indices


  • Just need to specify parameters
  • size
    • number of results returned
    • default: 10
  • from
    • number of initial results to be skipped
    • default: 0
  • results usually sorted before being returned

Deep Paging in Distributed Systems

Basically, it's problematic because each shard needs to produce PAGE_SIZE results, and then all PAGE_SIZE * NUM_SHARDS results need to be processed

Search Lite

  • Lite query string: expects all parameters to be passed in query string
  • Full rqeuest body version: Expects JSON request body DSL

_all Field

GET /_search?q=mary

  • Returns
    • User whose name is Mary
    • Six tweets by Mary
    • One tweet directed @mary
  • How?
    • Document indexed => ES takes atring values of all its fields and concatenates them into one string
    • Indexed as special _all field

More Complicated Queries

  • TLDR: Use full request body version for complicated queries because complicated queries are not as easy to decipher as lite query strings